"Hello Art, how ya doing? Me? I'm good".
It's 3:45 in the morning, and I am sitting at my computer typing out a message to my high school art teacher. Yep, things are good.
"I was thinking about you today. I was driving around the Sunnyside area, and I remembered that you live around there. Then I started to think about your art show from a couple weeks ago, and how I really wanted to go. Then I started thinking about my art, and the fact that I haven't created much of it lately. In fact, I really haven't created any".
I have been suffering from a lack of creativity as of late. It was ok for a while. I have 1 mortgage, 2 jobs, and 3 kids. That is what I do, and I love it. But more and more, I find myself searching for that creative outlet.
Sure, I sit behind a computer all day playing with Photoshop. It's fun. However, that usually entails cleaning up and color correcting someones else's photos, or if I'm lucky, adding some text and merging a few photos together. And on that rare occasion, I get to make a 64 year old woman look like she's only 35, so she feels better about herself. Or because her last round of plastic surgery couldn't do what I could do. I wish I could get $6000 for a boob job instead of $100 per hour billed in 1/2 hour segments.
I turned 37 this year. I still tell people I'm 35, and I get away with 30 all the time. I still feel like a kid, and if you ask my wife, she will say I act like one too. But lately, I have realized that I am getting older and my outlook on life isn't the same it was even a few years ago.
So what can I do about it? Start a blog? Yep, that's what I did, start a blog.
Actually, I have been blogging for almost a year now. I started off with a blog about my daily adventures in life. It was fun. I talked about anything, and anyone. Yep, even family and friends. It was awesome. On occasion, I would talk about my "adventures" with beer.
I like beer. I like it a lot. Who doesn't? As time went by, I started to write about beer more and more often. Before I knew it, my blog was all about beer. Now, that blog has carved out it's own littls corner of the blogosphere.
Once the transition to beer started, I found myself missing that creative outlet again. I missed writing about other stuff. I really missed talking shit about people, and laughing at others. So I started another blog. Rule number 1, keep your identity a secret. It works for superheros, and it works for bloggers. Because once people find out who you are, it just kills everything.
I set up the second blog after I was constantly asked by all our friends (including the 1000's on Babe's Blog), why I didn't have one of my own. Babe (my wife) has been a blogging superstar for years now. I used to tease her about it. Now look at me. I am trying to run four of them.
I quickly realized that it wasn't as much fun when people knew who you were. I had to watch what I said. I still threw some stingers in there from timt to time, but it just wasn't me. I just couldn't say what I really wanted to say. As a result, I have kind of given up on the second blog, and starting all over here.
Is this my midlife crisis? I don't think so. It can't be, I just sold my sports cars. I'm thinking it is more of an adjustment period. A time to be creative again.
Today is November 1, and I am now live with my new blog. It's going to be about me, and my life. I'm going to change my name and the names of the accused until proven guilty, just to be safe.
The Path To Treatment Was Long And Meandering
10 years ago
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