Saturday, November 28, 2009

Today, I am everyman

I did it. I became everyman today. Gone are the expensive European sports cars. They have been replaced with a Japanese built compact. Yep, it's parked right out there in my driveway. I hope I can go on.

It's hard to take a step down from the hill once you have tasted the nectar from the Gods. I'll tell you, it is so nice to be on top. It's an amazing feeling to drive a car from 0-60 in less than 5 seconds. It's every man's dream to win that race. For the past 4 years, I have been living that dream.

But it's time to look at it from the other side of the fence. No more $600 car payments. My insurance is going down like $70 a month. I don't have to pay $100 for an oil change. It's not going to cost me $500 to license it every year. I don't have to park in the middle of nowhere so people won't touch it.

But best of all, it only cost me $25 to fill it up!

Things a are good. Thanks for asking.

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