Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kenny was wrong

I talked about my car yesterday, and how he was gone. I'm still sad about it. But I am feeling a little better about it now because I was left with was a big check. A big check that nobody was willing to cash for me.

After checking with three different banks yesterday, I finally found one that was willing to cash it for me. I don't understand what the big deal is. I find it odd that a bank can't cash a check because they don't have enough money. It's a bank. They have money in there. So why don't they have enough to cash my check?

The check was big, but not that big. I mean I couldn't go out and buy a Porsche or a new kid where Angelina Jolie buys hers. But for me, it's a good chunk of change.

The bank had to "order" the money for me. They told me to come back today after lunch and they would have it ready for me. When I arrived, they were waiting, with money in hand. Literally, the guy pulled the stacks out of his drawer and put them on the counter. Then he put into one of those cool money counting machines that drug dealers use, and in 7 seconds, it was all counted and ready to go.

I started to get nervous when I realized I had to walk out of the bank and through a grocery store and then to my car with all that cash. But don't worry, he offered me a bag to put it in. It was a bright pink, nearly see-through plastic bag that everyone could see. Did I mention the total gang banger to my left, and the rednecks to the right? They were watching this guy count out all the money, then shout to the girl across the room, "$Blahbidy One Thousand". I was sure these lovely gentlemen were going to "introduce" themselves to me in the parking lot. What I mean is that they were going to jump me and beat the shit out of me until they got my new bright pink designer plastic bag.

But I made it. I was scared as hell as I ran to my car, but I made it. Amidst all the excitement, I never bothered to count the money. I was just trying to make it home with that sweet ass plastic bag. That was a bad decision. Because once I got home, I realized they shorted me $1000! Yes, an entire Grand! 10 - $100 bills. I wanted to vomit!

I jumped back in the car and made my way back to the bank. I was sure there would be a problem when I told them. I bet people say they were shorted money all the time. But this wasn't $1, or $10 bucks, this was a 83 Chevy Chevette. This was a plane ticket to London. This was $1000!

When I walked into the bank, the manager was standing at the front of the line. She looked at me and said, "Are you missing something?". Before I knew it, the guy who forgot to give me all of my money was counting it out. Again, right there on the counter in front of everyone.

The moral of the story? Kenny Rodgers was wrong. You sure as hell better count your money, while your sitting at the table. If you wait until the dealin's done, you might get screwed.

1 comment:

  1. I understand if you are reluctant to give me a percentage but could you at least mail me the pink bag? I want it so I can fantasize that once this bag was very wealthy.

    PS Keep up the entertainment. More quotes from people would also be appreciated. e.g. what did the cousin say the wedding, and the uncle?
